Welcome to Richard Friberg's homepage

I am the Jacob Wallenberg Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics. My research focuses on imperfectly competitive markets (Industrial Organization) with an emphasis on investigating responses by firms to uncertainty and various risks, in particular exchange rate risk. I teach microeconomics at the undergraduate level and Industrial Organization at the PhD level. I am also affiliated (Professor II) with NHH in Bergen. A CV is available here.

Of my published work the book "Managing Risk and Uncertainty" is especially close to my heart. Much of my other work is available for downloading here.

NEW! I've just completed a first full draft of a textbook suited for introductory or intermediate level courses in microeconomics that I intend to publish open source. A key feature is that many of the figures and tables contain links to explanatory step-by-step Youtube recordings. The book is available here.

Some recent work:

"Hump-shaped cross-price effects and the extensive margin in cross-border shopping" , with F. Steen and S.A. Ulsaker, 2022, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.

"Hedging to market-wide shocks and competitive selection" , with I. Trygg Kupersmidt, 2023, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 

"Demand for in-app purchases in mobile apps: A difference-in-difference approach", with A. Enache and M. Wiklander, 2023, International Journal of Industrial Organization.  

"Corporate responses to stock price fragility", with K.W. Hankins and I. Goldstein, 2024, Journal of Financial Economics

"The effect of cross-border shopping on commodity tax revenue: Results from a natural experiment", with E. Halseth, F. Steen and S. Ulsaker, forthcoming, Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

For contact details, see my SSE homepage

Last updated: February 2024.